NHI Income Declaration Mistakr

Hello JapanFinance, I recently moved to Japan on a spousal visa in August 2023. For NHI, I reported my last year’s income that I received when I was in the US. I was advised to do this by a local city employee when I was filling out paperwork. As a result my monthly premium is 80,000 yen+, which I’ve been paying. I did not know I was not supposed to declare income as a nonresident. I have little to no income as a result of moving, so money is tight.

Is it possible to ask for some kind of refund based on the mistake? Thank you for any help.

Update: We (my spouse) called the city office and explained the mistake. They are sending us a form that will allow us to correct the declaration and submit an account to deposit a refund.

by gentlekimchee

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