Kyoto (and a little Osaka) itinerary 4 days

We arrive at Kyoto at the middle of april. We are planning to stay 4 days in the region before we continue our travel and going to Tokyo.

Day – 0 – Arrive to the Kansai International Airport at 6Pm. Travelling to Kyoto by Haruka train.

Packing down in the hotel then go for a little walk. Nishiki Market are close to the hotel but i don’t know if still open at 9-10PM.

Day – 1

Sandusangen – do (The 1001 Kannon statue) – Kyomizudera Temple (20 minutes walk from the Sand…)

Lunch at the streets (Sankenzaka etc.) aroud the temple then going back to the hotel.

At afternoon going to the Kyoto Manga Museum. We like manga so i think we stay until closing (5PM)

After it going to the Kyoto nightlife. If we don’t see Nishiki at day 0 then pay a wisit now.

Day – 2 –

In the morning going to the Fusimi Inari Taisa shrine (10 000 Tori gate) eating lunch around then a little rest at the hotel.

At afternoon going to the Imperial Palace then the Golden Temple and Arashimaya bamboo groove if there are still time.

At evening going to check the Osaka nightlife. Dotonbori etc.

Day – 3 –

Daytrip to Nara.

On the way back we going through Osaka and checking the nightlife again. Or going to see Fusimi Inari at night.

Day – 4 –


Osaka Castle, Umeda Sky building, Osaka Bay area (aquarium) and of course night again

Day – 5 – Travelling to Tokyo via shinkansen.

That’s it for now.

by ProfWilliam82

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