Lifestyle Questions & Expectations: 11 mil

Hey everyone!

I’ve been trawling this subreddit for the past few weeks reading almost every post I could find, but my dumbass still needs direct reassurance that my salary matches my lifestyle expectations. I’ll try to keep this as concise as possible with details below and questions after that.

Me: 27F, no dependants moving to Tokyo early Feb from AU

Salary: 11mil + 750k sign on bonus (if this matters?)
Mostly WFH, but in office once a week located in Nihombashi.

Rent: Lined up a fully furnished 1K apartment in Higashi Gotanda for the first 6 months for 194K yen/mo (utilities + internet included) as I wanted to be on the Yamanote Line. Open to exploring more budget-friendly options after settling in.

– Tennis (1x/week, open to group play or coaching)
– Reformer Pilates (2x/week, English-speaking instructor)
– Keen on picking up Japanese classes (1-2x/week, ideally on weekends for flexibility and potential friend-making opportunities)

– I don’t solo drink but enjoy a few with friends who do.
– Stress smoker on occasion.
– Currently eating out 3-4x/week, and I anticipate this might increase with Tokyo’s lower food costs.
– If I cook in Tokyo, it’ll be making the foods I miss from back home, so favouring international groceries over seasonal vegetables.

Additional Expenses:
2-3 flights home a year for the holidays.


After taxes, looking at around 600K yen take-home (I think?) Post-rent, I’m left with approximately 400K yen for spending. How do I sit currently in comparison to expat salaries in the creative agency industry?

Is my rent stupidly high for what it is? It seemed okay compared to things back home, good even, but I feel like I paid a hefty premium on convenience, as I’ve heard horror stories of foreigners trying to rent and connect utilities.

Would this salary covers my hobbies, dining and shopping habits? Or will I need to start creating a budget monthly and plan out my spending wisely?

For context: I haven’t really been someone to watch my spending too closely nor ever created budgets for myself, sorry if this seems like a no-brainer thing to do!

Anything else I’m completely overlooking?

Thanks a bunch for any insights! Sorry for poop formatting, typing on a phone 🙁

by chelsli

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