Death of a startup. Where’s our paycheck? Legal? Find out next time on DRAGON BALL Z!

Tales of future tech startup…

The Monday of the last week of November rolls around and our ceo makes a surprise announcement that the company has no money and investors aren’t investing so the company will be asking nearly 50% of its staff to quit by the end of the week. He gives the chosen ones (I’m one of them) 2 choices:

1. Quit at the end of November and get a paper you can take to hellowork to apply for unemployment insurance. And your end of employment contract states it was due to the company’s fault and the company will pay you for all of your work in November the following month.

2. Work in December but know that there is a risk you will not be able to get paid for your work in December.

I took the first option because I was lining new stuff up anyway.

Fast forward to a week ago, the company sent out an email to all former and current employees that the December paycheck will be limited to a gross income of 300,000 yen per person and the remaining amount will be paid in January. This is for Novembers work.

Fast forward to today. Another email comes out to all saying investment plans fell through and the company won’t be able to pay any of its former or current employees anything this month for their work in November. It goes on to say that a project they have been working on is scheduled to be paid for by our client in January so the goal is to pay everyone their November salaries in January on the 25th.

They noted investors are unsure at the moment whether they will help or let the company die. So December salaries are not guaranteed.

I dipped from the company at the end of November so I’m potentially less fucked then others, but I’m wondering what legal action can be taken if November salaries aren’t able to be paid at all.

And is there legal action to take for not getting paid the month your income was due?

by JapaneseDepression

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