Mr Fuji: Kawaguchiko -> Mishima -> Kyoto timing check

Hi All! Hoping for some advice/sense check on how reliable the timings for the express bus from Kawaguchiko to Mishima are

We will be going from Mt Fuji to Kyoto and it looks like the most straightforward way is to take the bus to Mishima then Shinkansen down to Kyoto

However timetable is showing 15min transit at Mishima between the bus and train is this ok?
– is the bus usually on time?
-And would this be doable with luggage?

We will be with bags so want to have a booking for the Shinkansen to be safe but also don’t want to sit around at the station for an hour (we’re are aware of the luggage transfer service but at least one of our party who will need to have their luggage with them)

Thank you!

by Such-Flan-139

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