How to calculate purchase date of shares for stocks that have been acquired by another company?

Long-time lurker, and novice at stocks (so please forgive me if I use the wrong terminology). Tried searching for it on the sub, but I may have missed it.

I’m Australian but a Japanese tax resident (as I have lived in Japan longer than 5 years), and currently getting my documents ready for my 確定申告. I am currently trying to determine where I should count the date of purchase of a stock I recently sold on the ASX.

I purchased this stock back in 2017, but the company was acquired in 2021, and I was given new stocks with the acquisition company. For situations like this, should I document the TTM from when I purchased the original stock, or should I record the record date of the acquisition completion date?

Additionally, if I record a total loss of CGT, do I need to declare it on my Japanese tax return?


by Dangerous-Shock7475

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