Nenkin arrearage following a period of full-time employment at a U.S. company

Hey all, wondering if anyone has been in my situation. When I first moved to Japan, I remained employed at my job in the U.S. My employer didn’t take any steps to formalize the overseas arrangement, so I continued to have federal and state taxes deducted from my salary for the 6 months that I remained employed.

Until now, I haven’t been paying into nenkin and I want to settle up. After contacting the nenkin office, they informed me that I’ll have to provide them a letter from my former employer confirming my period of employment and contributions to Social Security, as well as a letter from the Social Security Administration. They referred to this as 適応証明書. The letter from my employer won’t be a problem, but I’m hoping for guidance from anyone who’s been in the situation as to how to obtain what I need from the Social Security Adminitration.

In case it’s relevant, I’ve paid taxes for every year I’ve lived here, as well as prefecutre/local tax and health service fees. Appreciate any info!

by baragua

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