Experiences with gender inequality- asking women🙏

Hello~ I am considering applying to teach in Japan for 2025 and, as a person that over thinks everything, im trying to gauge what life in Japan would look like for me realistically and if it could be a place I would want to live long term.

I have seen many people discuss the cons of living in Japan and a reoccurring issue I hear about is the inequality and mistreatment of women.

The posts and videos I see make it seem really extreme but there is usually a lack of examples or it’s a guy talking about it.

I don’t deny that this is probably a real issue but I would really love to hear the stories of women who live in Japan or who have previously lived there. Or maybe if u have a wife or sister and have heard their experiences directly from them.

Like I said, ppl make it sound like it’s so bad that, as a women, I would hate it there (which I can’t deny if it’s true or not) and it worries me a little.
I just wanted to know how real the issue is and how much it would impact my day to day life or even long-term life there.

Thank you!

Edit: thank you for your input everyone, I appreciate your honesty!

by Milkberryfish

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