Offer to move to Japan

Hello everyone,

I recently received an offer with a Japanese firm. I was hoping i can receive advice relating to what life would look like/where to move/savings/etc. we’ve been to japan several times and my wife and i speak rudimentary japan.

General information:

Salary: 15m Yen
Duration: 3 years
Family: myself, wife, and 4 year old daughter
Location: My role at the firm is remote, but need to go to the office located in Shinjuku on rare occasion. We have no intention of buying a car.

1. We are looking for a cost-effective place to live while being near/in Tokyo that also has an international school we can send our daughter to. Can someone please recommend places thar we should explore and typical costs for a 3 bedroom apartment?

2. How much will taxes/medical care/etc. be taken from my salary? I realize that it is location specific, but we’re flexible on where to live based on the first point.

3. My wife will be receiving her PhD in chemistry this spring. How difficult is it to achieve a job in education when *living* in Japan and being primarily an English speaker?

4. I realize that international school is expensive, but assuming we went with a modest apartment, how much can someone reasonably save with a 15m salary? Again, i realize it is impossible to say without more information (e.g., domestic/int. travel) but looking for a ballpark.

5. Any recommendations for international schools? We are more than willing to forsake some of our savings and conveniences for the sake for our daughter’s education and happiness for the right school.

Thank you in advance! Please let me know if you need any more information and sorry for any typos! Writing this on my phone.

by engineerlawyerguy

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