Every OBGYN experience here has been negative

I don’t know why I have yet to have a successful pap smear, let alone a successful OBGYN visit here. One was fine at first, the doctor spoke fluent english, but the pap smear came back inconclusive due to ‘insufficient sample’ and they just dismissed that as ok. I just felt that this is inconceivable that they would dismiss something like this, something that is their oversight.

Another clinic: I could hardly felt anything touching my cervix in the pap smear, totally not like what I have experienced at every pap smear before coming to Japan and at the clinic above (there would be the unmistakeble pain process but this time it was nada). I wondered if it is because I just always instinctively flinch during pap smear, and they might not have liked that so instead, they just swabbed like the lowest part lol? But my doctors in SEAsia never had a problem and instead the nurses would always just calmed my nerves and never blamed me for my reaction or anything. I couldn’t help my subconsious reaction at pain.

I know I am not the perfect patient, I like to ask thorough questions. But again, this was never an issue with my old doctors. Here, I felt like you have to be the perfect patient, make yourself absolutely courteous, not even flinching at pain or questioning too much, to get standard treatment. Is it just me? Any recommendation of OBGYN here?

by dragonfruit9009

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