Host family

Second time posting this to a more specific subreddit. Hello everyone, I’m currently in the navy and will be stationed in Yokosuka next year during the fall. I just wanted to ask about host families and things of the sort. I really want to involve myself in the culture as much as possible and learn some Japanese. What are the best ways to find a good host family? I’m 22 and want to explore all aspects of the culture. My biggest concern is if I were to go out and come back late/drunk I would disturb the family. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT/UPDATE: Im open to other ideas and appreciate the feedback so far. From my 10 mins of research I understand that having a roomate in japan isnt common so I opted for a host family since i found a few cites online about it. If theres any way I could room up with someone in japan closer to my age i’d like that BUT im also fond of living with a family so i can learn some of the things taught at a young age.

by i_hate_cars_

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