Can I avoid residence tax?

I have dual citizenship and I’m currently in Japan as a Japanese citizen. I was recently let go from my work so I’m preparing to move back to my county. I originally planned to leave Japan end of January, but I learned that if I’m here when the new year starts, I will have to pay resident tax for the whole year in lump sum, which is way too much money for not being in Japan (hundreds of thousands of yen). It would be significantly cheaper to pay a company to throw out everything in my apartment and buy new plane tickets before year end.

I would really like some more time if possible, though. I was thinking of stating that I’m leaving Japan year end and leave Japan to a neighboring country as a Japanese citizen, then when I return to Japan I will come in with a travel visa.
I would keep my apartment until end of January, but I will legally have my address moved to my home address in my country.

Would this be possible, or will there be complications that I am unaware of? Also, dumbest question but is this legal to do…?

Thank you so much for your time.

by PrizeArugula3586

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