Question regarding employment gap

Hi everyone,

I was wondering how a several month / 1-year employment gap would be perceived in Japan.

I am in tech in the US, in which I personally know people who have not had any trouble getting a job coming off of an extended employment gap. Typically, it is not a big deal as long as there is a valid explanation and you can pass the interview.

I was wondering how it is typically perceived in Japan? I’m asking as someone who has 8+ years of continuous employment with a college degree so no prior gaps. Definitely I am not asking as someone who has little to show beyond the employment gap. Perception may be industry-specific, in which I case I am more interested in the IT industry in Japan.

I did search around in reddit in the Japan-related subreddits, but the little hits I found were a couple years old, so I’m wondering if the answer is different now in the current economy o Japan.

I’m currently employed, so this is just out of curiosity in future planning. Appreciate any feedback, especially from those in IT in Japan, thanks in advance.

by HikkoshiSuru

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