Do foreigners face the same level of scrutiny regarding body/beauty standards as native Japanese individuals?

So while this post is aimed at a visit I have considered moving to Japan and now that I’m a lil bigger I’m sure this trip will help decide for me.

So I’m planning to visit Japan soon. Previously, I briefly lived /visited Japan some time ago to teach English. At that time, I was around 30 pounds lighter. Currently, I weigh about 155 pounds at 5’9″. I’ve realized that during my last stay in Japan, I might not have faced as strict body standards because I fit within those norms. Some of my Japanese friends have had serious discussions about the stringent body and beauty standards there, with some choosing not to return due to past trauma related to being larger during their youth in Japan.

As a white woman, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not judged by the same standards or expected to meet them. However, I’m still anxious about being larger than I was during my last visit. Even then, some people at a club made jokes about how fortunate I am not to be “one of those fat Americans,” mocking bigger American women as unattractive. I know I’m not 400lbs (and there’s nothing wrong with being larger), but I’m anxious about my weight in Japan. Do you think I’m being unreasonable with this anxiety?”

by Butterscotchgorl

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