Need to go from Nagoya to Kyoto on Monday – how screwed am I?

My Japanese friend on Hello Talk tells me it looks like typhoon 7 will hit Kyoto directly. I’m supposed to go there on Monday… so kinda worried right now.

If it were to pass Kyoto, will this be a dangerous situation, or will it mostly be heavy rain/stormy weather, and I will be safe if I just stay inside my hotel room?

It seems there’s a possibility that shinkansen and other trains will stop. Most of the information is only available in Japanese so far, so I’m having a hard time judging how likely this is to happen?

Can anyone help or know more about the situation? Or do I just have to wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and see? I plan on asking the hotel staff here in Nagoya too today.

by Alternative-Clue-

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