What’s your weirdest hospital experience?

I’ll go first. Back in summer, I ended up fainting from heatstroke at a water throwing festival. Ambulance got called and I went to hospital.

I’d been doused in water by people trying to cool me down so I was kinda cold in the hospital so they gave me a blanket. I get hooked up to an IV for hydration and then I have to get an Electrocardiogram. This staff don’t really speak English and my Japanese is terrible.

So I lower my blanket to just above my waistband and lift my shirt up so the nurse can stick the stickers on me and hook up the wires…

She gets the sticker sheet and then…she places it directly on top of my crotch…I don’t know if she has bad aim or something or didn’t realise that’s where my crotch was…and proceeds to peel the stickers off one by one.

I didn’t really know the Japanese for “um…excuse me, you’ve put it on my crotch” as it’s not really a phrase I thought I’d ever need lol.

After this she put the bundle of wires in exactly the same place. So yeah…that was my weird experience lol.

by KennerzNyaa

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