Intermediate listening practice お勧め?

Hi, I’ve been learning Japanese for 7 years now and am only just attempting JLPT N3. I’ve found I can pass any written tests fairly easily, but I have trouble with listening comprehension. I have ADHD so listening to anything no matter the language is pretty difficult for me unless it’s presented in a fun and lively way- traditional listening practice doesn’t really work for me, even if it’s a level or two below where I am, purely because it’s so methodical and proper. Of course, when it’s a real test, I can pull my head in and figure out what’s going on usually, but in the mean time while I’m just studying I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for listening practice that’s fun and has a generally positive vibe to it?

I have been listening to ラジがゼ a lot lately, a radio program hosted by band members of a Japanese rock band, because it’s always fun to listen to and there’s a lot of laughter. However, I only get the gist of what’s going on most of the time because it is, after all, marketed towards native speakers so there’s all sorts of advanced vocabulary used. I prefer the native speech patterns though compared to audio made expressly for learning purposes, so I can keep up with the speed perfectly fine, to the point where I almost get lost if a sentence is not spoken naturally (thanks immersion!) And my time in Japan has made it easy to ‘switch’ to a Japanese brain when I’m not confronted with English alongside everything, so I guess the recommendations I’m asking for are sort of… niche?

Anyway, any V-tubers, radio shows, kids programs, video game streamers, anything really- just something fun to listen to that’s suitable for learners such as myself in this twilight zone where we are only just not ready for any old Japanese media- would be greatly appreciated!!!


1 comment
  1. I don’t have anyone specific for streamers, but if you’re okay with pre-recorded LPs, you can search for people by game using the search term *[game] 実況” on YouTube.

    For anime, you must have heard of ドラえもん. That’s a pretty good one to start with at N3.

    I also don’t have any v-tuber recommendations, but one thing I’ve really been enjoying is ASMR. It’s my go-to for when I can’t fall asleep and want to squeeze in a little more Japanese time in my day. I get that some people find ASMR creepy, unnerving, or otherwise off-putting, but if you want to give it a try, I especially love the roleplay content from [mariko ASMR]( I also like other channels, but they’re harder to recommend to someone who might not be into it.

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