Learning kanji radicals and English meaning via WK Anki, KanjiDamage or Kanji Study – need help!

Hello friends,

I am currently focusing on vocabulary via [jpdb.io](https://jpdb.io) and grammar via immersion and Bunpro. I need some help to settle on a way to learn Kanji.

My plan is to learn the ‘radicals’ as described by WaniKani or RTK (i.e. the parts that make up the kanji, not the traditional way of referring to radicals’).

I tried WaniKani but I don’t like how you have to learn all the reading in isolation. I found it boring and couldn’t stick with it.

I want to use an SRS to learn the ‘radicals’ first, then go back and hone in on vocab. My question:

What is the best way to go about this? I have the WaniKani and KanjiDamage (reordered), and Jo Mako Anki decks as well as the Kanji Study app.

If I go with an Anki deck, should I remove some of the cards as I only need to recognise the meaning and not the other way around, right? How do I do that?

The the Kanji Study app suitable for this?

If anyone has any experiences or recommendations I’d appreciate it.

I just want to settle on one deck or app and get going with it but obviously want to be doing it effectively without wasting time.

Thank you all!!!



by ZenKB

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