Universal Studios Japan Questions (Blackout Days, Opening Hours, etc.)

I’m currently busy booking several things to do during my trip. One of these things is a visit to Universal Studios Japan. But I’m having a bit of trouble figuring out the best day to go and the more I look into it the more questions I get. So I was hoping that somebody on this subreddit could help me out with some advice.

I have three full days in Osaka which are still free and are possible days to go to USJ. These days are Friday April 5th, Monday April 8th and Tuesday April 9th. I initially thought that Tuesday would be best, but after finding out that Hollywood Dream is closed on Tuesday and that Friday has longer opening hours I started having doubts.

I also read that the first week of April is still spring break and that this period is very crowded at USJ. Some of the crowd prediction calendars seem to confirm this but other predictions also say the opposite so I’m not exactly sure what to trust.

\- The first week of April the park is open 4 hours longer compared to the second week of April. The park is also always open longer on the weekend. Is the park open longer on certain days to compensate for bigger crowds or will you actually be able to enjoy more of the park on a day where the park is open for a longer time?

\- I read that you should avoid the blackout days of the annual pass. April 6th is a blackout day but I wasn’t able to find out why. Is this date a holiday and would this also affect the crowds on the preceding/following days?

\- Hollywood Dream -The Ride is closed from April 8th to April 24th. If I would go in this period would you say I’m missing out on a great ride or would it be a good trade-off if you would get a less crowded experience?

I hope somebody can help me with these questions, I would appreciate any insight you could give.

PS: I will also be in Kyoto one (and a half) week later so if my current dates aren’t any good I might also be able to visit at that time if that would be better.

by esidcawt

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