More efficient way to memorize multiple pronunciations for each kanji?

As the title says, I’m looking for a less time consuming way to memorize multiple (2 or more) kanji pronunciations. So far I’ve been learning them using Anki and trying to memorize one the most used pronunciation for both on’yomi and kun’yomi but there are a lot of identical ones and I always mixing them up. I have heard that memorizing vocabulary that using specific kanji with different pronunciations would be better than just trying to remember said kanji all by itself, but I haven’t try it yet. Ive been at it for about two months and do far I have Iearned about 200 kanji, 1000 words and all the grammar points that was covered in genki 1 (still requires work, but I think I got the gist and of course the conjugations). Can anyone give any advice for a more efficient way to memorize kanji?

by FugitivePagan

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