I think I’ve hit the end of the line here – what has been a breaking point or the most outlandish thing happen to you?

Hello all

This is a neutral outake really but just curious on others thoughts. For context I’ve been doing tefl for the best part of 3 odd years in other countries and am currently an eikaiwa monkey in Japan. Woke up the other day and sort of realised/thought enough is enough, maybe got one more year left in me and even that’s pushing it. Its been ok for experiencing living and working in Japan but Jesus was it worth it? Yes and no.

I know I know. Eikaiwa in Japan is a joke and I had to do it to believe it. Singing and dancing hello hello lets shake hands for upteenth time and having a micromanaging boss that pockets most of the cash and refuses to replace stuff that’s over 20 years old (we still use analogue speakers and ipods ffs!)

Piled with kids that don’t want to be there and often sleep right in front of you or just give one worded responses like pulling your nails out. On top of some quite frankly outlandish nonsense I never thought I’d experience (i have even had kids physically hit me in front of parents or spit on something and try and wipe it on me for them to just laugh it off), yeah I seriously can’t do this anymore.

I knew what I was signing up for but did it anyway (stupid me I guess). Yeap that’s about it. Japan has broken me. The last straw after 3 years of this. Semi venting post but whatever. I’m leaving TEFL after this contract is up in August and going back into my industry.

Curious, what have been some outlandish things happen to you or an utter breaking point?

by Fickle_Structure8569

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