Thoughts on JLPT N5-N1 Anki Deck?

Thoughts on JLPT N5-N1 Anki Deck?


Seems like a ‘Core 6k killer’ prima facie

  1. Why would it kill the core 6k? If i just want to learn words id prefer the core 6k and if I was studying for the jlpt Id prefer specific level decks.

  2. The most recent comment is hilarious, thats exactly the reason why I dont like these big premade decks(I get why people use them and why they exist though), so many unnecessary words that will be forgotton in no time.

  3. I did the N5 and N4 decks, and I got through half of the N3 deck so far.

    I loved the N5 deck. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s a great **first** deck, regardless of whether you’re studying specifically for the JLPT, or just trying to build some vocab to do immersion style learning, or something in between.

    Why do I say it’s a great “first deck”?

    1. Most of the sentences are i+1, especially if you use a custom ordered deck like MIA Omega.
    2. It has lots of high frequency words. It’s not esoteric jargon. It’s the basics.
    3. It has good voice acting. Consistent, professional.

    I+1 is *critical* for a beginning student’s first deck. As far as I’m concerned, the N5 deck is better than any of the core decks I tried. I haven’t come across a core deck that’s i+1, so they’re a lot more work to use for an absolute beginner. And the voice acting is inconsistent in the core decks I’ve tried. But I’ve heard that better core decks exist now than when I started studying. So maybe this is no longer an advantage of the Tango N5 deck.

    As for the N4 and higher decks, I have mixed feelings. You still mostly get the benefits of i+1 and good voice acting. But I’m less certain about the vocab usefulness, outside of specifically studying for a JLPT test. I did the N4 deck, and it’s still really good, but I was still missing a lot of basic vocab for watching anime or listening to Japanese music lyrics. It’s not that you are learning useless words in the N4 and higher decks. If you plan to get fluent someday, then they’re all useful. But for daily immersion in things like anime and popular music lyrics (and VN’s and LN’s and manga…), it’s going to leave you filling in gaps with other decks or making your own cards. So as a pre-made “killer” deck, I think only the Tango N5 deck can make a claim like that.

  4. >Seems like a ‘Core 6k killer’ prima facie

    Call me stupid, but what does this mean?

    Core 6k?

    prima facie?

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