Anyone know of a “telephone – translation – assistant” type service?

Once upon a time, I was in Estonia (of all places) and they had a service, you set it up and it was only like a dollar a minute.  You’d just call the service and the person would phone ‘n’ translate for you..

IE you’d dial, you’d get one of the bilingual operators, you’d say (in English) please call 555-1212 and book a hair dressing appointment, and they’d do that in Estonian language and translate back and fore on the phone for you as necessary.

Does anyone know of such a “phone – translation” service?

Obviously you can “hire a translator” to do any thing, but this was a ready-made service, hook up your credit card, and they have (I assume) dozens of staff on hand 24/7 to handle the calls, so you could just dial any time and do it.

I’m actually asking “for a friend” (no, really! I personally just wander in to places, smile, make OOOOO sounds at the food and alcohol, and I’m all set 🙂 )

Note that of course this could be Japan-wide, but everything’s cooler in Osaka, locals know more.

Is there such a thing?

by jonny_cheers

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