Job Offer in Japan – Seeking Opinions

Hello dear residents of Japan. I’m reaching out to you from a far away land, humbly seeking your opinion on a matter which I’ll state in black and white so that my question will not lead the answers in any specific direction.

A close friend of mine is about to deposit a sizeable amount of money as a partial payment towards securing a job opportunity in Japan. Such recruitment agencies which apparently find overseas job placements for money are commonplace where I come from.

The job is apparently at one of the smaller vehicle manufacturing firms.

There are multiple vacancies in quote mechanical section, painting, industrial works, delivery etc unquote. There are no qualification or experience requirements specified. No job title specified as well. But bulk recruitment of casual or blue collar workers could be a thing I guess.

Package is 375,000 YEN per month with free individual accommodation which is eligible for family sponsorship (whatever that means)

This is quite a package when converted to my local currency and it has my friend totally captivated.

I checked out posts in the forum to check out whether this is a believable compensation package but could not find solid evidence to prove or disprove my suspicions.

The flyer issued by the local recruitment agency has the address of the employer exactly the same as the Google result.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this please. It could potentially help out someone a great deal.

Thanks in advance

by volvomalli

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