May be a silly question, but would a freelancer ever receive a tax return?

I always imagined the answer is no. As unlike working at a company where they are taking taxes out, then after factoring your situation/deductions, you would get some of that money that you “over paid” as a tax return.

But if you’re freelance, you don’t pay any tax until March of the next year, so after calculating everything, you should only pay what you actually owe.

I only ask this, because while looking at threads where people were looking for accountants, and talking about the high cost of having an accountant do your year end adjustment, and file your taxes, a few commenters mentioned how the cost of their accountant was offset by the return that they received.

So that got me thinking. As a freelancer, it wouldn’t make sense for me to spend ¥250,000 to hire an accountant, because it’s not like I’m gonna get any kind of tax return. Or I think I shouldn’t. I could see that with his tax knowledge he might be able to find deductions that I would not have thought of, thus lowering my total taxable income.

But in the end I can’t see the cost of hiring an accountant (as a koujin ) being offset by anything other than just not wanting to hassle with taxes.

by Indoctrinator

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