What happened to Miyakojima?

Me and my girlfriend are currently visiting Miyakojima. The nature is beautiful, the sea is amazing. But when we tried to go out for lunch today, we were absolutely shocked. Our accomodation is right in the middle of Miyako City. We walked for half an hour along the main road and couldnt find a single restaurant. We walked past at least 15-20 locations which were “currently open” according to Google Maps, but none of them were. I am not completely sure if those shops are all closed indefinitely, as many still had their banners and store signs, but most looked like they were closed for quite some time. In the end we got some bento from Familymart and warmed them up in our room. The same happened for dinner later.

Did something happen here? Did they all close because of Corona? That would be terribly sad. Or is it off-season right now? I thought Miyako was one of the biggest tourist destinations in Okinawa, but it looks deserted.


Edit: I know it has been a few days, but I just wanted to take the time to apologize to the (surprisingly many) people in this thread who I have deeply offended by not knowing that it was Okinawan Obon at the time.

by Tomi000

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