35yrs Looking to Attend Japanese Language School

Hi! New to Reddit so please bear with me.

I am interested in attending a Japanese language school and moving to Japan for about a year. I’m 35 years old, and while I’m college educated I don’t officially have a degree.

I do have the financial funds to support a year (or more) long stay, and I’m also open to working part-time.

My Japanese is pretty minimal. I can read hiragana and katakana, although I may not always know what the word means, and a few kanji. While I usually don’t have trouble reading or writing, my conversation skills are lacking (I’m so self-conscious and haven’t had many people to practice with).

A few questions I have are:

How often to Japan Language Schools reject applications?

What are some things I can do to strength my application?

Does anyone has suggestions for schools that may be a little more lenient with their admission?

Do we have to put work history in applications? (I ask this because I’ve been a marketing associate for a cannabis company for 3 years. I know they’re pretty strict about that, so I’m afraid that may effect my chances with school application or the visa).

Thank you for your help! 🙂

by SabTheNinja

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