Problem with Docomo

I would like to ask if anyone has experienced the same situation as I am right now?

I have had a contract with Docomo for their data + phone number + device for 36 months since October 2020. Last year, I decided to change my phone number and data to AU, so I have been paying only for my device, which is 4k+ yen in Docomo.

Then, just last November (2023), I received a payment notification (?) saying that I will have to pay 4k+ yen monthly for another 26 months for the balance of my device.

My payment for my device plan was supposedly FINISHED last year of November.

But now I have to pay for 26 months more for what?
It is not like I have a phone line and data plan from them. And I already paid for my phone device.

When I tried going to their branch to tell them about my concern, they told me that I am still under their contract, and that’s why they are still deducting 4k+ yen in my credit card. I told them to cancel it, but they said they can do it but I have to pay 28k yen for the balance. The staff wanted to check what it is about but they can’t access my online account in their system anymore since I changed my phone number to a different carrier.

I had a hard time discussing this with the staff as we only communicated through a Google Translator.

Any insights on what I should do? Thank you!

by Expensive_Taste_7732

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