LGBTQ Dating in Japan

I’m moving to Japan early next year, and my language ability is fairly strong. I feel like within the first 6 months it’ll be polished enough to date with very minimal linguistic barriers, so that part doesn’t concern me too much.

I am a lesbian, however. I present very feminine, and (I believe) most people assume I’m straight until I tell them otherwise. I have pink hair right now which lowkey helps signal my queerness, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be going back to my natural color before going to Japan to be more professional. (side question: how important do you think it is to have natural hair? Do foreigners seem to get more leniency in this realm, or is it looked down upon period?)

I know that people aren’t very open about sexuality in Japan as it’s seen as a private matter, but I want to make meaningful friendships with men that won’t be misinterpreted as romantic interest. I want to find a girlfriend while I’m there (god do I hate dating apps, but I think it might be my only option). How do I find a balance between respecting the culture while also being clear about who I am?

What have other lesbians/LGBTQ people’s experience in Japan looked like? How rural/urban is the area you’re in, and how has that impacted your experience in this realm? Have you faced any discrimination? We’re you able to date or did you just conceal that part of your identity while living there?

I’d much prefer to be out if possible, but even if I have to be covert about it I don’t want to put my love life completely on hold out of ‘respect for the culture.’ I’m young and I want to live and enjoy my life, and holding off on finding a life partner for the entirety of my early career could seriously limit my ability to find my wife later in life.

Even if you’re not LGBTQ, what are your insights into this topic? And do you have any advice based upon my concerns?

by froggy3864591

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