ALT Placement, Small Town versus Major City

Hi all,

I’m currently on track to start as a dispatch ALT with Interac in March for the 2024 school year, and to my surprise I’ve actually been given a couple of options for a placement. I don’t know how specific I should be so I’ll say that one option is a small town at the foot of a mountain that they say is a new client of theirs, so presumably I would be the only foreigner and maybe even the first ALT they’ve had. The other option is Sapporo, a major city. I’m curious to know what people with experience have to say about working in a small town versus a major city. I know that every situation is different, but I’m here asking anyway.

I’ve been leaning toward the city because I like the amenities and attractions the city offers, stuff like arcades and whatnot, and because I wouldn’t have to drive (driving legit stresses me out), but I wonder if it would be more stressful to work there. If it’s likely that I’d have to race over to multiple schools per day or if the teachers/schools would be more distant with me because ALTs come and go so often.

The small town has the charm of being more in nature, presumably cheaper to live in (though I’d have the cost of a car which I wouldn’t in the city), and more welcoming. As my Interac rep put it, “people will take you under their wing” which sounds great, but I’m not sure I totally believe that. The main things intimidating me about that are having to drive and the fact that I don’t speak Japanese, so day-to-day things would surely be more difficult than in a city.

Any thoughts?

by KR-Badonkadonk

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