Why do foreigners move to Japan and end up hating it ? Should I reconsider moving there ?

For context, my mom is Japanese and I grew up going every single summer. I’m very familiar with the culture and how to get around on my own. Since my grandparents passing I’ve felt so distraught. They were my everything and I feel so out of touch now that they are gone. When I visit they aren’t there, it’s not special anymore. Part of me wonders if that magic that I felt vistiting when they were there would come back if I started my life over there. It’s probably just wishful thinking but I’ve always wanted to live there before. I know a lot of expats end up sad and move back but I wonder if I will have the same experience ? I’m already so unhappy here, I can’t imagine regretting my decision necessarily and I’ll be happy I tried. Maybe I’m chasing what magic was there and need to find more purpose in my own life here? I go back and forth and I’m incredibly torn. Pretty much trying my best to talk myself out of it before making any irrational decisions.

by DiligentRevenue7931

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