Considering moving to Japan

Today I received a job offer from a Japanese company for an engineering position in Hiroshima. Right now I’m working as a accounting assistant in the US making less than 50k. The salary in Japan would be significantly lower (Â¥270000 a month), but I would be doing something related to what I actually studied in university. I’d probably be living in the company dorms. Would that be enough to live comfortably there? If I have enough money saved, would it be better for me to just buy a tiny condo to save on living expenses?

When I was younger I had a dream of moving to Japan in the future, but now I’m not sure. I’m fluent in Japanese (double majored in it and passed N1) and I went there for two weeks in 2013. I know a few people from there who I met as a student and I don’t think it would be hard to reach out to them again.

I don’t have any issues with my job right now but I don’t think there’s much room for advancement for me there because I didn’t study accounting in school. Maybe this would be a chance for me to do some more challenging and fulfilling work. How long does it typically take for a visa to be issued once a company applies for it? I’d like to get an idea of the earliest I’d be able to move to Japan if I accept the job offer.

Any comments/advice would be appreciated. It’s been three months since I applied for the job and it just came out of the blue, so I haven’t given it much thought.

by Clitorispalpitation

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