Is moving to Japan something that’s in any way achievable in the future for me?

Hello – I’m mid-20’s female currently living and working in the US on a work visa. I’m a citizen of an SEA country and hold 2 engineering degrees from US universities (BS ME & MS ISE) with about ~1.5 years work experience at a large Fortune 500 multinationals company as an engineer.

I’ve been studying Japanese as a hobby (passed N4 last year, studying to be N3 fluent now) and have visited Japan about 5x over the past year. My dream is to eventually move to Japan (mostly due to the lifestyle, low crime, and getting weary of dealing with the US immigration system).

However (before the downvotes come hurling at this post) I’m also realistic. I don’t want to teach a English and with the weak yen, less than N2 level Japanese speaking ability, and lack of work experience, I know I don’t stand much of a chance right now. The only future possibility I see is:

1) continue to gain more work experience and request for my current company to hopefully transfer me to their branch in Japan (this is the most realistic and wouldn’t hurt my current career targets & income) – there has been engineers in my office that did international assignments in Japan.

2) gain more work experience & continue to study Japanese until I hit N2 level, then apply to work with a Japanese company.

3) Get married to Japanese SO (not ideal…. marriage is just not my biggest priority right now)

I don’t think there are any other realistic options for me (and quitting my job to teach English or take a language school is simply not a choice for me – I have a good job & salary here in the US).

I guess my next question is – is this too far-fetched? Has anyone actually achieved this? Are there any other skills I should pick up?

by saintguccibby

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