handicapped traveling and accesabillity?

I’m currently saving and preparing to travel to japan for 1 month around September/October 2023.
As the title says I am handicapped, in which I need help with some basic stuff. I am also wheelchair bound, which means I can’t walk or even stand on my own.

I’ve searched a lot of handicapped travel websites to see if I could find an organised trip to japan for handicapped people, but I couldn’t find any. They go to a lot of different places, but not japan it seems… which Is really sad

I don’t have anyone to go with me to help me. My mother is willing to go with if I don’t find anyone, but she doesn’t really want to go. And as we all know, a Japan trip is really expensive. I feel bad to have her pay a lot of money for a trip she doesn’t really want to take.

Do any of you know maybe an organisation or some other way that I can go to japan with help?

Or any other helpfull handicapped and accesabillity that is in japan?

[Edit: the care I need is mostly personal care. Getting dressed, bathing and such things]

I really appriciate anything
Thank you for reading!

  1. **All posts are on manual approval at this time due to the border situation. This is a general reminder from the Mod Team that currently there is no offical word on Tourism restarting in 2022, and the** [**border re-opening in March 2022 currently applies to work and student entry only.**](https://www.japan-guide.com/news/alerts.html) **We do not anticipate tourism restarting within the next 6 months (March 2022 – August 2022 inclusive) at minimum.**

    **If your post is requesting information on entering as a Student or Worker, it is likely to stay removed. Please check in with /r/movingtojapan for more information. We have no answers for you here.**

    **If your post is requesting information on entering as a Japanese National, Permanent Resident or Foreign National who has been away, or Spouse of any of those groups, it is likely to stay removed. Please check in with /r/japanlife for more information. We have no answers for you here.**

    **If your post is requesting information on entering on a layover or changing flights within Japan, it is likely to stay removed. Please speak to your airline with any questions or concerns, or check our Megathread at the top of the page for more information.**

    **If your post is requesting information on cancelling, refunding, or rebooking a trip that cannot proceed due to the current border situation, it is likely to stay removed. Please start with your airline, or travel agency. We are unlikely to have answers for you here as every situation is different, and up to the discretion of the company booked with – not our users.**

    **Please check our front page for the stickied [**Tourism Information Megathread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/) which provides more information on the situation at this time, along with any official updates as they become available.**

    Thank you!

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  2. Please make sure you check our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/wiki/faqs/japantravel#wiki_i.27m_traveling_to_japan_while_injured_or_physically_disabled._what_should_i_expect.3F) for some basic information on travel to Japan while disabled. We also have helpful posts from past tourists on travel with a disability [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/search?q=disability&restrict_sr=on), and travel with a wheelchair [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/search?q=wheelchair&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all)

    We have also found a link at [Japan-Guide.com](https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2301.html) for information on accessible travel in Japan, and you can also check with websites like [Accessible Japan](https://www.accessible-japan.com/), [Accessible Travel Japan](https://accessible-japan.jp/), and the [Japan Accessible Tourism Center](http://www.japan-accessible.com/) as well.

    Happy Planning!

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JapanTravel) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  3. Is it nursing-care level of assistance that you need, or more just someone to guide and show you around and help you on and off transit?

    It might be worth hiring someone over there to provide these services, but it’s hard to know what to recommend without knowing exactly what level of assistance you require.

    Since you’re completely wheelchair bound, it will be prudent to assume that a lot of attractions that will work best for you will be more modern ones, within the city centres. Several neighbourhoods in Tokyo are wheelchair friendly, but not all, and same with Kyoto.

  4. Sorry that i may not be much of a help but i would suggest visiting Tokyo, because i have been there a few times and i’ve seen that there are a lot of wheelchair friendly places to visit, i have even seen quite a few locals on wheelchair taking trains and moving around so i guess it wouldn’t be an issue. Your travel might be restricted within the city but Tokyo has a lot to offer. As for hotel, you might need to prepare to spend a bit more because you will need a bigger room to accommodate your movements.

    As for personal care, i’m not too sure on this but i think it will be great to have someone to travel with you.

    All the best in working out your itinerary and i hope you will enjoy your visit to Japan!

  5. You may find that specific service difficult to arrange from inside Japan, however you could check with Carer facilities in your home country. I worked for an company that provided personal care services to both aged/less able people and one of the rarer services that we offered was ‘vacation assistance’. The designated carer travelled with the client on their vacation and provided all necessary care from personal (showering/dressing) through to help with transportation etc. The downside is that it is very expensive as you need to not only pay a fixed daily rate for the carer, but you also need to pay for all of their travel expenses also (flights/motel/transport/food).

    If you know someone living in Japan you may very well be able to hire a carer for a few hours in the mornings just to help you shower and dress etc but I’m guessing this will be very difficult without a local person or at least someone who can speak Japanese in order to find/communicate with any relevant companies to find one suitable/that has English speaking carers (assuming you don’t speak Japanese fluently ..if you do, that’s one less hurdle)

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