I’m trying to type with an english keyboard which also has japanese characters on it. I’m trying to type the hiragana for ‘ro’, which is left of the number 1. For some reason, I can’t type it? Every other character is fine, but I can’t get it to type ‘ro’. I’ve tried alt+ro, i’ve tried shift+ro but there’s nothing that’ll work. Is there a different key I need to press? All it does is change my keyboard from english to japanese again when i just press the ‘ro’ key.
For write in Japanese Hiragana you should just install in Windows the japanese keyboard, then swith it in the bottom-right corner (or shurtcut SHIFT+ALT).
I have a laptop with the japanese letter on the keyboard but I never used in that way, just switch the keyboard laguage in windows (after you switch just type R and O and ろ will appear)
To choose a Kanji, instead, you can press spacebar untill the correct one appear.
As others have suggested, Microsoft Japanese IME is the easiest way to type in Japanese because we are so used to the qwerty setup. You can still go with the IME in spite of the kana inscription on your keyboard.
For windows 10:
Settings > Time and Language > Language > Add preferred language
Any help you require is just a google search away.