Bicycles have to stop at red light, right?

I just want to check my understanding of the law.

I assumed that bike riding in the road have to stop at red traffic light just like cars. But yesterday as I was crossing the pedestrian crosswalk a uber eats guy almost barreled into me at full speed despite me having the green light to cross and him having a red light from his direction.

This isnt the first time Ive seen this. Infact its almost a daily occurrence that I see people on bicyles just flying through cross walks not even checking if their light is red or not.

Its to the point im actually second guessing my understanding of the law, is there some rule that bikes can keep going through red lights assuming they can avoid pedestrians or something? Or for whatever reason is this some law that people just ignore for convenience and somehow the cops just dont care to enforce any kind of punishment?

  1. Bicycles are the incarnation of Amaterasu himself. They can do how and whatever they want. Mama Chari comes from chariot of the goddess, so step aside you filthy peasant.

    Fuck cyclists in Tokyo.

  2. Uber eats drivers tend to drive recklessly. Maybe they’re not paid enough so they have to be fast to make up for it.

  3. Yes. Bicycles have to follow almost all of the same rules as motor vehicles. The major exceptions are

    * there are certain streets or roads bicycles are not allowed on (mostly high-speed highways or pedestrian streets)
    * there are certain streets that bicycles *are* allowed on but motor vehicles are not
    * bicycles have to do two-part right turns: they have to cross the street to the opposite side, then ride straight on the opposite site, this meaning that, if you’re making a right turn at a traffic signal, you have to wait for the green and go to the opposite side of the street, then wait for the green before completing your right turn

    However, very few people (including the police themselves) follow these rules, just as few people follow all of the driving rules in cars or on motorcycles or motorbikes.

  4. Bicycles get bonus points when they hit a pedestrian, that’s why they try so hard to hit you every chance they get.

  5. You’ll get ticketed if a police officer is around. Otherwise, Uber drivers are just shit, no matter the country.

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