Additional supporting docs after COE application submission

Hi all,
A bit background: I just came to japan around a month ago, japanese national, no job in hand here. And i wanted to apply for my husband (non japanese)’s coe for dependent visa asap. I was applying for jobs here too and didnt think would get one soon, which is why I applied for his coe first. Till then, I was working remotely for a foriegn company from where I just arrived. I attached my employment letter , husband’s bank balance in said foreign country, savings amount etc, everything EXCEPT that i did not have a job in japan. BUT after coe submission, I unexpectedly but luckily found a job and now want to send my employment docs to further solidify the coe case.

My question is that can we do it? Like sending additional supporting docs WITHOUT the immigration asking me for it? Just to make my case stronger. If yes, what would be the procedure? If no, what should I do ? Anything I should keep in mind? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks !!

by Wild-Earth-4409

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