Recommended Hospital in Shinjuku or Shibuya for foreign traveller needing a quick/ urgent consultation?

I have had a sudden worsening of a dermatological issue due to something here. I landed in Japan 4 days ago and have never seen this particular skin region flare up this badly. Like…It’s scary.

I’m trying to rule out possible irrants (shower water, drinking water, food allergies, air quality (maybe)) – I have been have some hot baths and recently ate some interesting fishy meal from 7-11. So not entirely sure.

Anyway. What hospitals can people recommend around here that are open on New Years Eve (I know, bad timing). What rough prices can I expect to pay for what I imagine, from my experience will be a GP check up and a prescription of a steroidal cream to reduce the swelling? Unless of course they want to find the culprit and keep me longer for more tests.

I’m travelling up north towards matsumodo then Kanazawa, niigata, hokkaido, etc. And I’m worried there won’t be hospitals that are convenient for a foreign traveller as I move away from Tokyo.

by growaway9669

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