Weekly Thread: Victory Thursday!

Happy Thursday!

Every Thursday, come here to share your progress! Get to a high level in Wanikani? Complete a course? Finish Genki 1? Tell us about it here! Feel yourself falling off the wagon? Tell us about it here and let us lift you back up!

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

by AutoModerator

  1. After 10 years of having given up on Japanese, I started learning again recently and i’m at a point where I can read Hiragana and most Katakana again and I’m starting to remember vocabulary. Today I learned how to say “he”, “she” and “who” again and also learned some more adjectives. Then I made a mistake when recording some speaking because I didn’t realise you have to use “de” and not “to” for connecting two statements… I will know for next time, but it’s an improvement!

  2. Well I finished 鹿の王, which might be the longest novel I’ve read in JP.

    I’ve been trying to read it for years but it was always a bit too hard. Now I finally made it through, but anticlimactically, it wasn’t the best thing I’ve read. It was well-written and the author has an interesting body of knowledge, but the book itself seemed sort of dry. I feel like the book could have used more humor, excitement, or let us see the characters use their abilities a little more (to be fair this did happen a bit though).

    Also the doctor in this book talked in a way which was hard for me, because he used medical terms, but that’s not the book being bad, that’s me being bad at Japanese. I also found it weird that so many characters in the book were warriors but yet, there was no fighting, except for one brief scene. But if you like deer, this is probably the best book in the world.

    Anyway, on to the next thing!

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