Is it possible to have a full time job and work as a doctor student?

Hello everyone, I am a student at a Japanese university enrolled in an integrated Master-Doctorate program. I came to Japan as a private funded student and trying to use my saving to finish the degree. It will take me another 5 years and I am not sure whether I can get other scholarships like JSPS. I am seeking financial stability. However, I found several アルバイト/ part time job opportunities that can be turned into full time job. I work for one company as a part time employee now. Then, I start to wonder, could I take the full time job and work towards my doctorate degree at the same time? The full time job is a C# software engineer and the degree is information technology, both can be done remotely. Does anyone have some advice regarding VISA status, tax, and communication with schools? Is it possible to work full time and also take class, write the thesis as a full time student?

by Straight_Cup7960

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