University of Tokyo MPP/IP; Has anyone gotten in without having to do GRE?


As the title suggest, I am trying seeing if there are cases of people getting accepted into Tokyo Uni’s MPP/IP master’s program without having done the GRE exam. Personally I don’t think I will be able to study for the GRE in time due to personal reasons.

I understand that the GRE is tagged under “strongly recommended” in their website, but I have came across some people online saying that the admissions board care more about your referrals and personal statement.

I am wondering if my current status with a GRE would put me in a considerable position i.e., currently sitting at a first class honours in my Uni (UK) and have quite a decent portfolio catered towards MPP/IP (was able to secure a scholarship with my country’s government and will have a role as a civil servant in the future).


by pinkdom

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