Is this a good scenario to move to Japan on?


* I (27m) work for a well-known Japanese company in North America
* Currently make about 100,000 USD with OT and Bonus in a very HCOL region. I have about 200,000k USD in savings earning high yield interest.
* I have the opportunity to transfer to JPN BUT I’m expecting a localized payband adjustment which would end up being around 50% buying power.
* I also have a perpetual freelance gig with a small American company which will continue to pay an additional 1800-4000usd a month depending on how much work I have lined up, on TOP of my salary. This usually ends up being an additional 20-45k USD per year.
* I’m also getting my master’s degree from a prestigious American university remotely.
* I’ve visited several times and have managed to make good acquaintances, and a couple people I would go as far as to consider friends. (I’m moderately extraverted)
* I only speak as much Japanese as one could from 101 and 102 college courses and a collective period of two months in Japan. I fully intend to learn the language as it aligns with my goals.

**My motivations/pros are:**

1. The food culture (i.e it’s possible to eat out affordably)
2. I have a goal of being trilingual and I can’t imagine a better way to learn than sink or swim
3. I don’t want to drive a car every day.
4. The live music scene is one of the best I’ve ever experienced
5. Safety
6. Seems like a cool place to spend your 20s and 30
7. Desire to challenge myself to do as the Romans do so to speak
8. I’m an anxious motorcycle rider and traffic fatality statistics speak for themselves
9. My career gives me a little bit of street cred with <40 Japanese people B)
10. I already have some friends in the country
11. Have lived in the same region my whole life, I’ve always wanted to live abroad but have never had the right opportunity

**Things that are making me hesitate:**

* Many accounts of people being lonely
* I’ll always be a foreigner
* If I don’t like it and want to remain with my company I would have to be there for a minimum of 3 years.
* I fear I’m too old at 27 to be making this move.
* Potential career stagnation (though I feel working abroad would look good on a resume)
* I don’t think I’ve seen a single outdoor patio seating area at a restaurant.
* Slightly less money into savings.

**Straight up cons:**

* The Yen
* Geji Geji
* Those fucked up centipede things
* Thought I saw a hummingbird but turns out it was a really big moth.
* The humidity (I’m from perfect whether socal)



I realize after typing this I do have a better situation than most people trying to move abroad, though I do appreciate the insight regardless.

by TrashThePiano

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