Doctor in Osaka

I need to go to the doctor and am struggling to figure out which clinics are open today (31st) or tomorrow (new year’s day) and speak English. We’re leaving for Kyoto on the 2nd so I might go there too if anyone knows a clinic?

For context, I’ve had diarrhea for 9 days now since a visit to the Philippines and I’m starting to think this won’t go away on its own.

Update: I went to the Koseikai Takeda Hospital (right next to Kyoto main station) urgent care at 9am and got seen within 45 mins. The reception didn’t speak English but used a translating tablet, the doctor spoke good English. The doctor put me on an IV for 2 hrs while he waited for the bloodwork. All panels were fine, and it turned out I wasn’t dehydrated. The doctor initial worried about cholera, which it thankfully wasn’t. Was prescribed Metronidazole antibiotic, a probiotic and anti-nausea medicine. He said the situation should clear on its own, but the meds would help it along. The total cost was about $270, but my travel insurance will cover it all.

Thank you all for your kind advice and support! I’m glad I got checked and recommend others do to when in doubt, a pretty easy experience all in.

by TerhiMaria

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