I NEED HELP. Student to Working Visa


For the last 6 months, I was taking care of my Language School Application and Job Hunting in Japan at the same time. A lot of the companies which wanted to hire me wanted someone who is already in Japan or has a residency in Japan.

That’s why I applied for Student Visa so it would be easier for me to apply.

I was only on Tourist Visa. Just today, I have already received my COE for my student visa. As I was receiving my student visa, my job recruiter, asked me if I have already got my student visa, because a company wants me to start immediately. They want to sponsor my Working Visa (Change of Status)

Is it possible to change my student visa to working visa, even I haven’t started school or I just started school?

I have Bachelor’s degree, 5-year software engineer. I plan to still go to school if ever, while waiting for my Working Visa to release, just then I will withdraw from school.


by Suspicious-Age-9727

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