Finding travel buddy/ local in Kyoto during July 22th – 30th(girl only!)

Hello! I will travel alone in Kyoto from July 22th -30th for Gion Matsuri.

I’m looking for any girl (cuz I’m girl too)- either if u are also a solo traveler to Japan and look for a travel buddy, or if u are local Japanese and willing to show me around your city.

About me: I’m a Chinese girl currently studying at a university in Singapore, thus I’m fluent in both Chinese and English. I also stayed in switzerland for half a year last year for exchange study. I can speak a little bit of Japanese but hardly communicable. I’m more than happy to share my knowledge of Chinese or help you practice English during our time together, and I’d love to learn some other language or practice Japanese as well!

If u are interested please drop me a private message ; )



by Serious-Antelope-844

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