Advice on prefab rooms, AliExpress, port pickup, shipping, tax, etc.

Hello all!

I’m looking at getting a 3×6 meter prefab room to put in my yard (to make a luthier shop if you’re curious). I started looking on Yahoo Auctions and found some of these for about Y330,000. Looked on AliExpress and wasn’t surprised to find literally the exact same product there, but for less.

Talking to a couple of sellers. I would need to pick it up at the port in Tokyo and have it shipped to my home in Misato, Saitama. (like, a 40 minute drive depending on traffic).

Has anyone here ever done something like this? What companies would you recommend for getting the thing home? Any idea how tax/customs works/costs in a situation like this? Any advice for things I haven’t thought of yet?

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂

by lostinlymbo

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