My predictions for the next set of champions

KOPW – ELP: I think he will get a singles push later in the year. More importantly, I think ELP taking the belt of his former partner who betrayed him is a great story.

Never 6 Man – LIJ (Takagi, Tsuji, Bushi): We need a big threat to take down the current champs with a popular cast of challengers. If it wasn’t UE I think this LIJ trio will get it done. It could also be Hiromu over Bushi if he takes some time away from the Jr title.

Jr Tag – HOT: One of the hardest for me to predict, but then it’s the Jr Tag titles Gedo for the most part doesn’t care about these.

HW Tag – War Dogs: pretty confident here. Kidd and Coughlin to get a run with the proper tag belts. But I expect them to actual end up on TMDK not too long after.

TV – Tsuji: I don’t think Tana should/ will hold the belt for long. I think this is the perfect belt for Tsuji to shine in. Tana can be the first time Tsuji tries to punch above his station and succeed.

Never – EVIL: well Tama is leaving soon and this is his next challenger. EVIL gets even more heat by sending Tama packing. I don’t think he holds it for too long and Cobb takes it off him and has a long reign this year.

Jr – Wato: I am most confident in this prediction. I think we get Hiromu vs Wato the upcoming WK.

Global – Nemeth: Similar to Moxley winning the US title and Mercedes winning the Women’s title. I think Nemeth wins the belt here to get more eyes on the product.

World HW – Sabre: Now hear me out, this was the hardest to decide. I don’t think Naito’s reign will be that long and I think Okada will walk into the Dome next year as champion. I don’t think Okada wins it from Naito and I don’t Sanada should win it straight back. Now I can see Gedo reward Zack for His loyalty with a brief transitional reign.

by shecanbromehard

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