Tax: income earned in Japan from the US

Taxes earned in Japan from the US

I am moving early next year to Japan. Not sure if this is the right sub for tax advice but since it has to do with moving to Japan, figured it can’t hurt.

I will be working as a 10-99 for my company which is based in the US, while living in Japan. I have heard of “foreign earned income exemption” as a way to not get double taxed from the US and Japan. However I read that it does not cover income earned from the US, which makes sense given the name.

Then I heard about “foreign tax credits”, which seem to be more of the way I would need to go.

I would like to avoid paying double tax since the US decided that was a nice thing to do.

If anyone has incite on this it would be appreciated.

Alternatively, if there is a better sub to post this on that information would be great as well.

Edit: Thanks for the responses y’all, as many have asked, I have a spouse visa. So there should be no limitations as far as work is concerned.

by Acceptable-Bass-7676

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