Weighing housing options (+ UR)

Hello, r/Kyoto, I know you’re probably quite sick of these “Where should I move?!” types of posts, but I’d appreciate any input or advice you can offer. I’ll be moving down for work (between **Kawaramachi/Kyoto-Shiyakushomae** stations) late July, and am heading down to look at some apartments early next week. The catch is I’m coming from *very* far out (rural Hokkaido) and really want to get things sorted and decided in this trip.

I’m mostly looking for 1-2LDKs (35-40m+ preferred, as I’ll be partially remote and have a decent amount of stuff I’m bringing with me) for ~65,000 or less, give or take. ~30 minute commute is perfectly fine, and I’ll likely get a bicycle (maybe even a motorcycle) at some point as well. I’d prefer to have some access to greenery/riverside nearby, as well as at least a few decent restaurants or bars, though at the end of the day it’ll be quite easy for me to just go somewhere after work in the Kawaramachi/Ponto area before heading home.

I have an appointment with a realtor showing me a few places:

**right next to Kitayama**: 63,000, 32m 2K, top floor, aircon, free internet, big balcony but bit of a whack layout, no elevator.

**~8 minutes to Shijo-Karasuma:** 74,000, 39m 1DK (one big room style), top floor corner room in mansion, probably the only truly walkable commute option thus far, but quite expensive and probably the absolute max I’d be willing to pay. No AC included either.

as well as whatever else they’ve got in shop when I go.

On the other hand, I’ve been looking at the **UR options** available daily, and there isn’t a whole lot in my budget range currently (there was an opening at Saiin and a 1LDK in Arashiyama that have both disappeared from the site this week, sadly.) I do have an appointment to see them while I’m down there as well.

I’m seeing there’s a -ton- of rooms within my budget down at the **松ノ木町団地** near **Kujo and Tobakaido** including a recently renovated unit on the 1st floor that is quite nice: 67,000, 46m 1LDK, aircon, the usual perks of UR (no key money etc.) but it looks like there’s no fiber internet available, at least initially, and 1st floor so potential bugs/noise/floods.

I’ve looked around here, elsewhere on reddit, and some browsing in Japanese and see a lot of people think of the south side of town as pretty run-down and grimy, and this particular complex always having openings isn’t… particularly promising.

Does anyone have any experiences/opinions on that specific housing block/area, or other UR options in the city? There’s a few bigger options open still over at Arashiyama (68,000 3LDK, 52m) and the idea of being that close to nature while still being able to catch a train to the city center whenever is pretty tempting, even though I don’t think I need *quite* that much space. Thank you in advance for any suggestions/advice/hot takes you can offer!

by Madjawa

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