What is a personal finance rule (or rules) that you break?

This is already [being discussed](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/189bcjz/whats_one_pf_rule_you_know_youre_breaking_but/) over on the personal finance sub, but how about seeing if there are any twists on this for Japan?

One distinction there that I sort of clicked on was budgeting vs tracking. Eg, we’ve always tracked, and even then not all things, but have never had a budget.

And as a retiree, I don’t have any bonds in my portfolio (so much for “your age in bonds”). Tho I do have enough cash on hand (bucket 1) which evens that out.

We paid off our house very early, tho the loan originated back in ’90 or so, and the interest rate was 6.5 or 7%. Quite different to now.

What are your personal finance violations, if any?

by upachimneydown

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